On Thursday, Dambaru Sisa, a former MLA from Chitrakonda, announced his departure from the Biju Janata Dal (BJD). Known for being a well-known youth leader from the Bonda tribal tribe, which is classified as a Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group (PVTG), Sisa was chosen to represent the BJD in the 2014 Odisha Legislative Assembly election. Sisa’s resignation letter to BJD president Naveen Patnaik confirmed the decision. The former MLA stated in the letter that he was not given a BJD ticket to run in the 2019 General Elections and that he intended to move on. Sisa stated that he planned to start over shortly and that he was running for the BJD ticket in the general elections of 2024.
With Sisa’s exit from the BJD, Odisha’s political landscape has witnessed a dramatic change in the representation of tribes. Watch this space for updates as Sisa gets ready for his upcoming political journey.