In a special event on Tuesday, Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik handed out record of rights (ROR) or land pattas to 10,000 Sikkim farmers from 26 districts. This move marks a significant resolution of land-related issues that have persisted for several years.
During his address, the Chief Minister emphasized that his government’s top priority is to address the challenges faced by the people. He highlighted the longstanding issue concerning the Sikkim farmers, noting that their lack of land rights had adversely affected their socio-economic lives. They were also unable to access government programs designed for agricultural development.
Calling the resolution of these issues historic, Chief Minister Patnaik expressed that the happiness of the people is his greatest reward.
The initiative stemmed from a meeting with Sikkim farmers during a visit by the 5T and Nabin Odisha Chairman to Kendrapada district. Upon hearing of their plight, the Chairman brought this to the Chief Minister’s attention. Subsequently, the Revenue and Disaster Management Department was directed to take swift action to resolve the issue.
Notably, similar land issues in Ganjam district were also resolved within a short span, demonstrating the government’s commitment to addressing people’s problems.
This legal initiative by the state government grants hereditary and transferable rights to the farmers who owned Sikkim land. Chief Minister Patnaik expressed satisfaction that the Revenue and Disaster Management Department proactively resolved these issues.
Kartik Pandian, the 5T and Nabin Odisha Chairman, highlighted that this problem had persisted for over 50 years, with initial applications for resolution coming from Kendrapada district during his visit.
He assured that district administrations have been directed to expedite the allotment of remaining land pattas and ensure transparent distribution.
At various district-level events, land pattas were distributed to Sikkim farmers by officials on behalf of Chief Minister Patnaik, including Food Supplies and Consumer Welfare Minister Atanu Sabyasachi Nayak, Government Chief Whip Prashant Kumar Muduli, and several MLAs.
In Jagatsinghpur and Puri districts, the Chief Minister resolved issues related to the sale of Chaka land, showing a commitment to amending laws for the benefit of the people.
Speaking at the program, Revenue and Disaster Management Minister Sudam Marndi commended the Chief Minister’s strong and visionary leadership, stating that no amount of gratitude would suffice for resolving the long-pending issue of Sikkim farmers.
Approximately 250,000 Sikkim farmers and their heirs in Odisha stand to benefit from this historic step toward resolving land-related challenges. Additional Chief Secretary of the Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Satyabrat Sahu, welcomed attendees and outlined the steps taken to address the issues faced by Sikkim farmers.